Mr. Otto Gramm, President of the Board of Regents, of the University of Wyoming Dear sir: In order to remove all possible misapprehensions as to the attitude which I have taken in reference to certain matters which have been the subject of discussion between yourself and myself some weeks ago, I desire to submit a brief statement to which I solicit the respectful attention of yourself and your colleagues of the Board of Regents. My attention was specially attracted to the Jurassic Fossils of Wyoming, by certain articles which appeared in the newspapers of New York. I determined to make a personal inspection of the remains, and if possible secure the specimen concerning which those marvelous tales had been written. The deep snow in the mountains made it impossible for me on the ocassion of my first visit to inspect the remains. Nevertheless, basing my action upon the reports of those who claimed to have seen the remains, and whom I then thought incapable of being deceived, I offered your Board $8000.00 cash for your claim. This offer you saw fit to decline, and it is now not necessary for me to refer to the matter again. When the snow had disappeared, sufficiently to permit of safe