Union Pacific Railroad Company Laramie, Wyo. May 7th 1899 W.J. Holland, Ph.D. Pittsburg, Pa. My Dear Doctor Your very generous letter of May 2nd, addressed to Mr. Gramm (& other) has been rec'd, read & re-read, & created great rejoicing among the friends of the University. To have you & Mr. Carnagie as our friends is what we all want & shall appreciate very highly. In justice to myself, I might say that I favored from the beginning your acquaintance, a course of business dealing that would lead to the most friendly relations, but from some misunderstanding it was not done. Now, we have such assurances from you that no one in the future can help but pursue the course that you & I partially laid out, & we will do everything in our power to cooperate with you in this work. Mr Gramm, Miss Hibard & myself all feel very happy & encouraged as to the future & I assure you you will be met with such a different spirit here at Laramie. Colonel Downey has sent you clippings from the papers & you have doubtless rec'd Mr Gramms