Laramie, Wyo., March 29, 1899 Rev. W.I. Holland, Director Carnegie Museum and Chancellor Western University of Penn. Pittsburg, Penn. Dear Sir: An examination at the Land Office at Cheyenne by the surveyor, Mr, Owen, showed that the land you want was six miles south of the description which you gave me. I have had a long conference with Mr. Reed in reference to the matter, and he is perfectly willing to give every assistance and all information required in having the claim properly located. I have determined, in order to take no chances, to have Mr. Owen make a survey of the particular land required, which he will do in a few days. There is no better way than to take the land by scrip. I will obtain the last quotation and will make arrangements to purchase the scrip. Unless you remit a draft at once for some money, I will make up an estimate anmd draw on you through one of the banks in Pittsburg for the necessary amount. We have had a very bad storm in Wyoming since you left, with a very heavy fall of snow, and this may in a measure prevent prompt action; but I will keep you advised fully. Yours truly, S. Downey