June 15, 1899: Holland from Downey - Omaha, Nebraska, 6/15/99 Dr. W. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Sir:- I called upon the Union Pacific people to-day and herewith enclose you one of the pamphlets issued by the company relative to the Fossil fields of Wyoming. The officer in charge said he would send you an invitation which has been extended to many of the Colleges. It seems that Dr. Wortman passed through Omaha on his way to Wyoming a few days ago. I think from what I learn at Omaha that the excursion party will at least number 50 or 60. They have promised to inform me of the number accepting invitations and as soon as I hear, I will advise you. I wrote you just before leaving home that Mr. Gramm would probably see you in Pittsburg before the first of July. With kind regards, I remain Yours sincerely, S W Downey