The University of Wyoming School of Mines Department of Mining and Geology Wilbur C. Knight, W. H. Reed, Assistant Laramie, - Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming Dec. 5, 1898 Mr W. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: In reply to your telegram of the 4th, would say that the reporter in his article made the usual mistakes of a man not up in science. The remains shown him were the property of the University of Wyoming, but the one described in that newspaper article, remains still undisturbed in the quarry and is my individual property. This specimen is for sale to the highest bidder when I get it out, but the bones cannot be taken up before spring. I was fortunate enough to locate about thirty skeletons of Dinosaurs last summer. Three of them are large and one extremely so, the rest are medium between 30 and 60 feet in length. I would be glad to hear from you again, and we may be able to make a bargain. Yours truly W.H. Reed