my resignation and Dr. Stevenes told me last night that it would be excepted so I wil be clear on that date. I expect they wil send a man out with me to the quarries to receive the tools and material also the claims belonging to the university. I expect to go out there about the 5th of may and shal go to colecting for you or some one else. When you get your buisness mater seteled satisfactory I want you to write me a letter that wil inform me of what you have done and how you did it. Something that I can show to any one who may acuse me of treachery. Wil you kindly do this for me whether we finish ower bargain or not, not that I have any doubt as to ower agreement but it is quite important that I should have such a letter for if I do not I may loose some of my oldest and best friends. Yours Truly, W. H. Reed