Agreement It is mutually agreed, between Carnegie Museum of the City of Pittsburgh and W.H. Reed of Laramie Wyoming, that the said W.H. Reed shall enter into the service of said Museum as field collector, his engagement to date from and his compensation to be fixed upon the basis of the terms hereinafter set forth. Said Reed is to receive compensation at the rate of $1800. per annum, paid monthly. But in case his engagement terminates by the end of the first year from the above date, he is to receive two hundred dollars additional as salary, and in case he is at the time discharged from the further service of the Carnegie Museum, and the reamins of the great Dinosaur which he hereby undertakes to exhume should prove to be in such perfect condition as to permit the makeing of restoration of the skeleton equal in quality to that effected by the late Prof. O. C. Marsh, then the said Reed is to receive as addtioanl compensation the further sum of One Thousand Dollars in cash. If at any time after the expiration of the first year of service as a field-collector for the Carnegie Museum before the expiration fo the second year of service the said Trustees should see fit to discharge said Reed then he is to recieve a further sum of $500.00 as henerarium annum, for the discovery of the great Dinosaur, provided always,. that the reamins of this beast shall have proved good enough to effect from the restoration of the skeleton. Should the said Reed remain three years in the employemnt of the Museum his salary shall stand at the figure fixed and no additonal payments shall be required, but he shall at the end of that time have the right to acccept or reject form the Museum an offer to enter into the service of the Museum as a Curator at an annual salary of $1,200 The Trustees of the Carnegie Museum agree to allow the said Reed fifteen days of vacation in the summer months while in the field, and to take annual fishing excursion at any time should he be called to the City of Pittsburgh to work in the Museum he is to have an additional period of vacation of ten days to allow him to visit friends and relative residing in the East. The Carnegie Museum agrees to pay the railroad fares and hotel bills of said Reed and assistants and allow for this for the first year of this engagement the sum of $50.00 The Trustee of the Carnegie Museum agree to place at the disposal of said Reed a sum of money sufficient to pay the salary fo a boy for two and one half months during the summer of 1899 at the rate of $15.00 per month, and to pay the salary of two assistants at fifty dollars a month for three months during the summer of 1899 for their time and payments made them on account of salary. The Trustees of the Carnegie Museum agree to pay the cost of toools, lumber, plaster, packing material and frieght on the same and the cost of material for a hut, the boards in which are later to be use in makeing