on the same, and the cost of material for a hut the boards in which are later to be used in making packing-cases for fossils. A full account is to be given by said Reed of his expenditures on account of such necessary materials, and the authorities of the Museum agree to pay in full for such items. 5. The authorities of the Carnegie Museum agree to supply said Reed with the necessary photographic outfit to enable him to photograph the fossils as they may from time to time be uncovered, and as they lie in situ before being lifted from the matrix. 6. The said Reed agrees to not only collect fossils for the Carnegie Museum but to collect in all other departments in which his services may be needed, and when unable to collect fossils in the field because of the storms of winter, to employ himself in cleaning and restoring the fossils which he has exhumed; and further from time to time, when authorized by the Director of the Museum, to collect the living birds and mammals of the Rocky Mountain region. This agreement is signed on behalf of the Carnegie Museum by W. J. Holland, the Director, and by W. H. Reed, the party of the second part.