March 27, 1899: Reed from Holland - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 27, 1899 Mr. W. H. Reed, Laramie, Wyoming. Dear Sir;- I have returned home in safety and have consulted my friends in the administration of the Carnegie Museum, and I now write to confirm my proposition made to you to enter into the services of the Carnegie Museum as a field collector upon the terms and conditions which I have already submitted to you, modifying them to meet the situation that is likely to arise in case Mr. Downey carries out my instructions, as I am sure he will, to purchase the land upon which your claim was located. I trust that you have given by this time to Mr. Downey that minute information which he needs in order to enable him to take a patent to the tract upon which these remains lie buried. I gave him such information as I had, and I trust that you will depute some reliable person, say, you son, to go with the surveyor to the spot, so that he may be enabled to make an exact survey, and that the patent may issue in due form. I enclose herewith a duplicate form of contract which you will sign, keeping one contract and returning to me the other. You may fill in the blank that is left for the date of your period of service will begin at the date which is agreeable to yourself, either the 15th of April or the 1st of May, as the case may be. I am, Yours very truly, Director Carnegie Museum