Medicine Bow, May 28, 1900 W. J. Holland, Director. My Dear Dr. Holland:- I arrived at Med. Bow the 25th day of May and found a letter at the postoffice from Mr. Hatcher, directing me to take charge of work here in the Jurassic. Mr. Hatcher also enclosed a letter to Mr. Reed which I gave him. After reading it he got mad and said he would not work under my direction. He said it was the same last year: you sent Dr. Wortman out to take charge after having made the contract with him (Reed), and he was not going to stand it any longer. Mr. Reed did finally consent to turn over the quarry, cabin, tools, &c. that belong to the Museum, but will not work or leave either until he understand it more fully. As you may remember, Mr. Reed told you in my presence shortly after Dr. Wortman left, that he would not work under my direction in the field, as he considered himself fully as competent as anyone in this line of work. Mr. Reed has again refused to work with me, and as a consequence you will fully appreciate what relations may be so long as we continue together. I have however written Hatcher in full and also made promise to go on with the work in the quarry to my best of ability until Mr. Reed and myself hear from him again. I am here for supply, and start for the camp to-morrow. I have re-employed one of Mr. Reed's men and the work will go on.