Medicine Bow, Wyoming 27 Sept. 1899 My Dear Dr. Holland:- Your last letter has been received. I wired you yesterday that the car would be loaded today. The loading has just been finished and the car goes forward tomorrow. As soon as the weight is acertained [sic] I will ask you to send a check to l.D. Fales of this place for the amount of the freight hauling from camp here at the rate of $7.50 per ton. I enclose Bill of Lading. I go from her to the head of the "Troublesome" to make additional studies, collect a Baptanodon or so & make some photographs after which I will start for home stopping at the Ranch en route for a few days. Coggeshall started last Friday and is probably in Pittsburg ere this. The car should be there in good season. I will have to go back to the diggings before starting in order to locate the claims. I am glad to learn of your improved condition. Very Sincerely Yours, J. L. Wortman