10 days. This will save handling the heavy boxes twice by loading directly into car. Some of the pieces will weight 3000#. I believe Dr. Holland made partial arrangements with the U.P.R.R. for this car and I am quite sure that you will have no difficulty in getting it. If he is able he can tell you how to proceed and to whom to apply. It will be best to have a car with large capacity, say 60,000 for I am quite sure we will have enough to occupy the entire capacity. The price of the hauling is very high but is the very best I could possibly do. It merely emphasizes the necessity of having a good strong outfit of our own. It would pay for itself this one season. The mail man awaits and I am compelled to close. With kindest regards to Dr. Holland, your son and Mr. Shellenberger I am Very Sincerely Yours J. L. Wortman