In Camp near Dyer's Ranch Medicine Bow, Wyo. June 18 '99 My Dear Dr. Holland:- Reed and I have just returned from a week's prospecting trip on the head of the "Troublesome" and "Difficulty". There are many very promising looking exposures of the Jura Beds in that region but we were sorely disappointed in their productiveness. They seem to be almost entirely barren and after looking them over thoroughly we came back on the north side of the Freeze out range as far as the T.B. Ranch. From there we went to investigate a small exposure at the western end of the Little Medicine anticline where we located some 3 or 4 very good looking prospects. We ran out of provisions and were compelled to come in before prospecting them sufficiently to learn what is there. They are apparently the remains of small or medium sized Dinosaurs but the bones are in fine state of preservation. We will go tomorrow (Monday) to examine another exposure some 5 or 6 miles to the west of us which is known to contain bones in the hopes of getting on the trail of one of the largest species. Our results at the present writing may be summed up as follows: Quarry No. 1 (Brontosaurus) which we are now working, size of femur about 5 1/2 feet length, Tibia-Fibula and