ever since we struck the field and I feel well satisfied that you made no mistake in employing Reed. He is earnest energetic and thoroughly interested in the welfare of our undertaking. He is an agreeable fellow to be with in camp and everything goes on pleasantly and smoothly. I have great expectations for the future of our department and if we get the proper support we can guarantee a fine collection of vertebrate fossils. I will not trouble you further about Camera Case. We can probably get a cheap one in Laramie which will serve our present needs. I have been so awfully busy hustling for bones that I have not had time to make report upon expenses to date but will hand you the same at the end of the month. The weather has at times been pretty "rocky" but we have kept steadily at it. We made a wise move in getting here early. There are many parties here already and they are getting pretty short on bones. The quarry of the American Museum is turning out badly and they are looking for other locations. Methinks they will get little. They lack experience. Hoping to hear from you often I am Sincerely Yours, J. L. Wortman