Medicine Bow, Wyoming, May 30, 1899 My Dear Dr. Holland: I reached here yesterday having been delayed one day in Omaha and one day in Laramie. Coggeshall came in on Saturday and Reed was here to meet him. I expect to get into camp tomorrow and we will be hard at it in a day or so. I understand from the Post Master here that Reed has succeeded in locating some very promising prospects already, and there is every indication of good success in the near future. I will see Reed tomorrow and will go at once to look over the prospects, locate the camp and get down to business. You do not say anything about the camera. Has Mr. Chapman sent it to you from New York yet? If he has not, write him to send it to you. Pack it carefully after providing the case I mentioned and forward it to us here by express. Our address will be here for a time at least and from the way things look now throughout the whole season. I succeeded in establishing very friendly relations with the Union Pacific people and I do not think there will be the slightest trouble in getting any favors we may ask for within reason. I have agreed to write for them a brief geological sketch