of the more interesting parts of Nebraska and Wyoming for their advertising department furnishing at the same time some good photographs to illustrate the same. In addition to the transportation already furnished they will send us invitations for the excursion which they are contemplating. This will give you an opportunity to come out and it will be important to let them know the names. They asked my advice about the proper people to invite and I will furnish them a list of some of the more prominent students interested in the subject. Mr. Darlow who has the matter in charge said that he would send the invitation to me and I will forward the same to you with recommendations. I purchased the necessary chemicals and photographic supplies in Chicago and they are now here. I also purchased an extra tent and two good tarpaulins with which to protect specimens from the weather. When we get fairly well started we will probably be compelled to employ another man to help us and I have my eye on a good one at $30.00 per month and board. We will probably keep him busy hauling to the station. From all I can learn I have no reason to change my mind in regard to a successful season and I am pretty certain that the carload will be ready for shipment comparatively early, at all events you can depend upon it that if it is not, it will be through no lack of effort upon our part. I will write you again soon when I have looked over the prospects mentioned above. There is much difficulty in crossing the Big and Little Medicine at present. Hoping to year from you soon I am Very Sincerely Yours J. L. Wortman