(AMNH) New York City, May 17, 1899 My Dear Dr. Holland Yours of the 15" reached me this morning. I am sorry to hear that Knight is up in the "happy valley" region for that will mean I fear that he will "camp out" on everything in sight there. If Reed is not successful in locating anything soon I think it would be a wise move for me to leave the U.P. at Omaha and go on into the Sun Dance Hills and look over the ground. I can send Coggeshall to Reed and they can take up anything they may find. I really think that this will not be a bad place for if one locality fails us we can fall back on the other. Everything has been pleasantly and satisfactorily arranged here and Coggeshall and I are awaiting transportation from the U.P. and Pennsylvania before we start. I think it wise for us to stop off in