British Museum (Natural History) Cromwell Road, London, S.W. 11th January, 1905. Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to inform you that thirty-six cases containing the reproduction of Diplodocus have been delivered at the Museum, where they are under the charge of Dr. A.S. Woodward pending your arrival in London to superintend the unpacking and erection of the specimen. I think it right to mention that Messrs. A.H. Post & Co., the New York shippers, sent four of the cases by steamer to Southampton instead of following out express instructions to ship the whole consignment direct to London. I shall be glad to receive from you the plans and drawings of the bases to be prepared by Messrs. Cubitt & Co. in London, as well as your opinion as to the kind of wood to be used. I am, Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, C. E. Fagan Asst. Secretary Dr. W. J. Holland