June 21, 1909 Dr. Franz Steindachner, K. K. Hofmuseum, Wien, Oesterreich. My Dear Doctor Steindachner;- In pursuance of the promise made to you in my last letter, written a couple of days ago, to send you plans for the construction of the bases which are to support the skeleton of the Diplodocus, I am to-day forwarding by registered mail two blue prints, one of which is a copy of the plan used at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, which is simply sent you for information in order to give you an idea of the manner in which we curved the tail of the skeleton to accommodate it to the space in which the beast was intended to be put. The other plan which I send you, which is on the larger sheet of paper, is the one which may be followed by your workmen. I send you two copies of this, one of which you will retain in your office, and the other of which you will give to the cabinet maker to guide him in his work. You will thus have the plan always before you so that you can see whether he follows instructions carefully. I have given orders to the workmen who are engaged in making the reproduction of the Diplodocus to use all energy to get through the work as soon as possible, and my hope is that we may be able to ship this specimen in time to permit of its installation in the latter part of September. This is going to demand very strenuous exertion on our part, as it is a very considerable labor. Arrangements have already been made with Senator Capellini for