EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BERLIN July 6 1908 Dear Dr. Holland;- I hope you will forgive me for taking so long to acknowledge the receipt of your post office forder for fr12.33. The telegram for which this money is intended had been inadvertently charged to the Embassy's account. We have only just received the monthly statement of the Post and Telegraph Administration. I find that the telegram cost Marks 12.35 and have paid this amount. I am looking forward to leaving Berlin with the next few days for Paris and I shall hope to see you there. I shall be in Paris only for two or three days on my way to my new post at Rome. I read with great interest the account of the presentation of the Diplodocus to President Fallieres. The Matin had a pretty good snap-shot of the President, you and Mr. White. With best wishes, sincerely yours, John ---