May 11, 1908 Hotel Bristol, Berlin May 11/08 Your Excellency; I have the honor to inform you that as the friend and personal representative of Mr. Andrew Carnegie I have brought to Berlin and installed in the Museum für Naturkunde the reproduction of the colossal reptile, the Diplodocus, which I had the pleasure of discovering in 1899 in Wyoming. This object Mr. Carnegie desires me to present to His Most Gracious Majesty, the German Emperor, who in 1907 signified his willingness to accept the same. The work of installation being now completed, I desire to know whether His Imperial Majesty has any commands to lay upon me or any message to convey through me to Mr. Carnegie. Should his Majesty desire to personally inspect and receive from me the gift which I have brought for him from Mr. Carnegie I wish to say that I place myself most obediently at the command of His Majesty. I am compelled to be in Paris on May 15th, where my address will be in care of his Excellency the Ambassador of the United States, but if His Majesty the German Emperor desires to see me I shall deem it an honor and a pleasure to return to Berlin at his summons & could conveniently be in Berlin at any date from June 1 - 10, or from June 20 - June 30th, provided I receive notice in advance of the wish of his Majesty. Awaiting his Majesty's pleasure & commending myself to your kind consideration I have the honor to be Very sincerely your obedient servant W. J. Holland