April 20, 1908 Mr. James H. Cook, Agate, Nebraska. My Dear Mr. Cook;- As you know, Dr. Holland departed for Europe on the 7th of April, and will not return to this country until probably the last of July. Before starting he had some correspondence with you concerning the work at the Agate Spring quarry during the coming summer, and, I believe, reached an understanding with you that the Carnegie Museum was to push this work and would not be interfered with by outside parties. Acting under this understanding about two weeks ago he sent Mr. Utterback of this Museum to your place to begin operations. Mr. Utterback had instructions to buy an outfit, hire sufficient labor, and push the work on. Dr. Holland left instructions with me to see that Mr. Utterback was supplied with money to carry this work on successfully, and Mr. Utterback's instructions were to report progress to me from time to time. On April the 16th I received my first letter from him, written from Harrison on April the 13th, saying that he had everything in readiness to go ahead, but that he had received a note from you saying you would like to see him before he started work, also saying that you had been obliged to go to Lincoln, Nebraska, and would not return to your home until April the 20th. I at once wrote Mr. Utterback that you and Dr. Holland had a perfect understanding concerning the work and that I did not think it necessary for him to await your return, but to be sure and see you as soon as you did return. In the mean time to go on with the work of getting out the fossils.