without someone to direct them. It is most inconvenient for Peterson personally to start West at this time, but he has very cheerfully agreed to go immediately after Founder's Day. I have written to Mr. Cook advising him of this fact, and hope my action in this matter will meet with your approval. In case you have any further instructions to give me it might be well to cable. Clapp says he cannot understand what has happened to Utterback, but knowing his peculiar disposition as you and I do, I think he has once more simply grown tired of the work and didn't think or care whether he made it hard for us or not. I shall certainly not remit his salary to the 15th to him until I have instructions from you. There is no reason I can see why we should pay him after we have paid his expenses out West where he wants to be and he has done nothing but purchase an outfit. I enclose copy of the letter I have written Mr. Cook to-day. Everything at the Museum is going very well. I am sorry that this little trouble has turned up, but will get along the best we can. I am, Yours very sincerely, Douglas Stewart