April 11, 1908. Dr. W. J. Holland, Berlin, Germany. (Care of Dr. A. Brauer). My Dear Doctor Holland;- Your two very welcome notes were received, one from New York and the other from the steamer. The publications which you requested sent to Dr. Boule have been sent through the Bureau of International Exchanges, and I received a card of acknowledgement from them this morning saying that they will be sent forward to their destination. In regard to your pleasantry concerning the metric system, I wish to say that my estimate, if you remember, according to your instructions, was taken first in cubic inches and then reduced to cubic yards. The result was 51 cubic yards for the French specimen, and 49 cubic yards for the German one. I had nothing to do with reducing this to cubic feet, but upon doing so I find that it tallies very closely with the estimate which Hampton gave you. The work at the Museum has gone ahead this week in a very satisfactory manner, and there is nothing of pressing importance to report. All of the coins have not been mounted and Prentice has finished about one-half of the labels, so there is no doubt about the completion of this work in ample time for Founder's Day. The coins are arranged as follows: one case each of England, France, Germany, Austria dn Hungary, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Denmark, Japan,