China, Ancient Rome, Mexico, Central and South America, United States pennies, United States half-dollars, United States dollars and gold, and one of medals. I had Mrs. Jennings assist Raymond in pinning the coins for two days, and thus got the work finished up. Upon consultation with Col. Church and Mr. Clapp I find they are highly in favor of sending the four men suggested to the Chicago meeting of the Museum Association; therefore I have notified Kahl, Jennings, Santens, and Ortmann that the Museum has appropriated an amount not to exceed fifty dollars to each of them for this trip. Percy Raymond has returned to work and seems none the worse for his attack of German measles. I have not as yet heard anything from Barbour. Raymond Holland has been here very regularly and has been doing very good work. I had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Holland for a minute on Monday and she seemed very well. Earl Douglass has made his arrangements to depart for the West this evening. I made arrangements with Bragdon to take the photographs for Hartman's Memoir at $2.50 apiece. As there will be not more than twenty plates this will amount to only fifty dollars; quite a difference between this bill and Bell's bill of $400. This work will be finished to-day. I have had a letter from Eigenmann urging you to permit Haseman to stay in Brazil for a longer time, and I will place this, with the correspondence you left, before the Committee at the next meeting, as per your instructions. I hope that you and Arthur had a successful trip over and that