March 26, 1908. Messrs. Oelrichs & Co., Forwarding Department, Gentlemen; Enclose please find my check for $20.00 in payment of the within bill, account of Shipment No. 4445. Please receipt and return to me. I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. Klüpfel under date of the 20th, inst., in which he informs me that your principals in Bremen have most obligingly consented to forward the cases containing the Diplodocus, intended as a gift to His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, "free of ocean freight" For this generous mark of consideration, permit me on my own behalf and on behalf of Mr. Carnegie to express my most grateful appreciation. Please convey to your principals in Bremen our profound thanks for this act of distinguished courtesy. I am with assurances of the highest esteem Yours very sincerely [W. J. Holland] Director of the Carnegie Museum