March 16, 1908. Dr. A. Brauer, Director of the Kongl. Museum fur Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, Berlin, 4, Germany. My Dear Doctor Brauer;- I have forwarded the thirty-four chests containing the reproduction of the Diplodocus from Pittsburgh, and they are to go out from New York by the steamship "Main" to Bremerhaven. As soon as I receive a bill of lading I will forward the same to you. I have a bill of railway lading, but that you do not care for; the bill you desire is one which is furnished by the Agent of the North German Lloyd in New York. The goods are insured from Pittsburgh to Berlin; they are addressed to the Royal Museum of Natural History in Berlin. I note what you say in your last letter in which you inform me that you have arranged for the construction of the base for the Diplodocus and that the contractor has agreed to finish the same and have it ready for your Museum on the 15th of April. My plan now is to sail from New York on April the 7th by the "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse". This will bring me to Berlin, if all goes well, on the evening of April the 14th, and we will be ready to begin the work of installing the replica. From Berlin I will go as soon as our work is completed to Paris and finish the work there. It might be well for you after receipt of this letter to notify the agency of the North German Lloyd in forwarding the thirty-four boxes addressed to you to send them forward with great care. You can indicate to them over what line of railway they are to come and whether free transportation is accorded to them by the authorities. With very kind regards and assurances of great esteem, hoping soon to see you and form your personal acquaintance, I am, Yours very sincerely, [W. J. Holland] Director Carnegie Museum