OELRICHS & CO. New York, March 13, 1908 Dr. W. J. Holland, Director Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: We acknowledge receipt of your valued favor of March 11th, addressed to our Mr. C. Klupfel, regarding the shipping of thirty-four boxes to the Konigl. Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, Berlin and in reply beg leave to inform you that we shall be glad to give this matter the attention and care which you so much desire. In this connection we take the liberty of enclosing one of our shipping instruction blanks, which we would thank you to fill in and send to us so that we may have the necessary information in making up your documents. We await your further advices, we are, dear sir, Yours truly, OELRICHES & CO. FORWARDING DEPARTMENT F. Hen--- H-S Encl. Manager