Outward Freight Dept. New York, March 9th, 1908 Director W. J. Holland, Ph.D., L.L.D. Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Sir;- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 6th inst. regarding a shipment of a reproduction of the coloassal Diplodocus. I note, that the specimen will be packed in 34 boxes, measuring in all 654 cubicfeet. I can take this shipment in our S.S. "MAIN", leaving this port March 26th to Bremerhaven. Regarding the freight charge on this shipment I like to submit the matter to our home office in Bremen, asking them to cable me their decision. It is our desire to give you all facilities and extend all possible courtesies. I think it would be best to consign the shipment to OELRICH & CO., FORWARDING DEPT. and they will see to the proper steps to have the freight brought alongside the steamer. I await your advice, when the shipment will go forward from Pittsburgh, Pa. CK/CR. Yours very truly, C. Klüpfel