September 25, 1907. W. Radowitz, Secretary to the German embassy, Dublin, N. H. Dear Sir;- I am very desirous to officially asklnowledge the letter addressed to me by the Minister of Ecclesiastical, Educational and Medicinal Affairs, but I confess to uncertainty as to his signature. Dr. Studt was the Minister, I believe, up until quite recently. The name of the present minister I cannot find, and his signature leaves me in doubt as to whether it is "Horn" or Holle". I have endeavored to find out through such reference helps as I have here the name of the present incumbent of the office, but have failed. Will you kindly give me his full address and titles, so that I may send him a letter acknowledging his kindness in giving me the information which I much desired to have and for which I have been for some time waiting. Trusting I am not imposing too greatly upon your kindness, I am, Yours very sincerely, Director Carnegie Museum.