May 24, 1907. Herrn Staatsminister Theodor von Moeller, 25 Hohenzollernstrasse, Berlin, Germany On behalf of Mr. Carnegie I tendered to you as a gift to his Imperial Majesty and the Germany people a replica of the colossal Diplodocus, the original of which is contained in the Carnegie Institute. His Imperial Majesty most graciously by cablegram signified His acceptance of this gift. In our conference you expressed to me some uncertainty as to just where this replice might be placed. I am sure that after your return you have found much to occury your mind, without wishing in the least degree to impose upon your good nature or your patience, I write to inquire whether any steps have been taken looking toward the designation of the place where the replica is to be installed and the time when it would be convenient to receive it. My motive in writing to you springs from the fact that in order to have it ready for presentation it will be necessary to make preparations in advance. The labor of preparing the specimen for installation is considerable and necessarily consumes a good deal of time. If I have an intimation as to where and when the replica will be received I should be able to act more intelligently. If His Imperial Majesty could graciously designate the museum, and the person or persons with whom to carry on preliminary negotiations, he would be placing me under many obligations. By express I am forwarding you, as I promised to do, a set of our publications giving figures of this animal, and I am also