ESTIMATE OF AMOUNT REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION OF TWO REPLICAS OF THE DIPLODOCUS, ONE IN BERLIN, THE OTHER IN PARIS. Wages of Assistant, 3 months, $450.00 " " Artisans on other side (say) 300.00 Freight on French specimen, N. Y. to Paris and Delivery to Museum 262.50 Freight on German specimen and delivery to Museum (ocean frt. free), 110.00 Cost of two Pedestals and Railings, 2200.00* R. R. Fares for 2 persons, Pittsburgh to New York and return 40.00 R. R. and S. S. Fares for 2 persons, N. Y. to Berlin, Paris and return 720.00 Cost of Residence in Berlin and Paris of 2 persons for, say, 60 days @ $5.00 each per diem. 600.00 Incidentals, Fees to Officials who may be asked to help, and must be reimbursed by gratuities. In London this called for about $150.00., and will not be much less in Berlin and Paris 300.00 ____________ $4982.50 * The cost in London for one base without railing was about $1300. The bids in Paris and Berlin are less.