COPY April 12, 1907. His Excellency Theodore von Möller, Minister of State, Dear Sir; Acting under the instruction os Mr. Carnegie and as his representative, I have the distinguished honor of tendering through you to His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Germany, as a gift, a replica of the skeleton of the colossal Diplodocus similar to the one which Mr. Carnegie some eighteen months ago presented to the British Museum at the instance of His Majesty, King Edward VII of England. Should it please your August Master to accept the gift which I have the honor of proffering on behalf of Mr. Carnegie, I beg to say that arrangements as to the place and time for the installation of the gift may be made with me by correspondence at the convenience of the proper authorities, who may be designated to take up the matter. Mr. Carnegie will defray the expense of transportation from Pittsburgh and of installation as was done in London. I have the honor to be Your most obedient servant, W. J. Holland Director of the Carnegie Museum