J.W. HAmpton, Jr. & Co., MArch 31, 1908 Mr. W.J. Holland, Dir. Carnegie Museum, Dept. of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA Dear Sir:- We beg to refer to the shipment of 34 cases containing Plaster Casts to be forwarded to the Museum National & Historie Naturelle, Paris, France and state that this shipment is being ransferred to the S.S. "La Gascogne" which will leave here on Friday morning, April 3rd. Up to the present time we have not heard from you as to whether it would be agreeable to you for us to consign the shipment to our agents at Havre instead of to the agent of the French Line Steamers at Havre. We believe it would be much better to have the shipment consigned to our agent as we can give him special instructions for the handling. The agent of the French Line will make a charge for the handling the same as any other forwarding agent but we think it would be better for all concerned if our agent were to handle the shipment. Kindly let us hear from you by return of mail. If we do not hear from you we will take it for granted that it is satisfactory to you to have the shipment consigned to our agent. Yours respectfully, J.W. Hampton, Jr. & Co.