March 23, 1908 Dear Mr. Franks;- Last Wednesday we sent forward the thirty-six large bosed, weighing five tons, containing the reprocution of the Diplodocus for the President of the French Republic. The specimen for the German Emperor went forward the week before. I am in receipt of letters from Berlin asking me to begin the work on installation on April 15th. I have replied that I will be there at that time, and have bespoken passage on the "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse", sailing from New York on April the 7th. This necessitates my calling upon you for some money. I will be much obliged to you if upon receipt of this you will send me $5000 or $5500. I have made an estimate of the expenses which I have to meet and the aggregate the sum of $4982.50. I have estimated pretty closely and allowed myself little margin, so that perhaps you had better let me have the larger amount, as I do not wishs to ruh short. I will of course, when the work is done, account to you for the expenditures and any balance in my hands. I enclose a memorandum of estimated expenses. I have enough in my hands now to pay the wages of the men which are due, the freight and insurance to New York, and sundry biils which are unpaid at this date. I paid my own expenses on the occasiosn of the trip to London,