J. W. Hampton, Jr. & Co. March 21, 1908 Mr. W.J. Holland, Dir. of Carnegie Museum, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, pa. Dear Sir;- We have your favor of the 20th inst. enclosing to us Railroad Bill ofof Lading and Paster covering shipment of 34 cases of Plaster Casts to be forwarded to Paris on the S.S. "La Gascogne" of the French Line and state in reply that upon its arrival here the shipment will have our careful attention and we will advise you as soon as same is placed aboard the steamer. We note that y ou desire the shipment consigned care of French Line agent at Havre, We think, in view of the fact that the shipment is of such a delicate nature that it would be better to consign it care of our agents who would arrange for the reforwarding of it from Havre on to Paris. The shipment would doubtless require some attention at Havre and they would see that it was properly handled and care taken of it, in transferring it from Steamship Dock to on board Railroad Cars. We would be very glad to hear if it is agreeable to you for us to consign it to our agents and awaiting your reply we remain, Yours respectfully, J.W. HAmpton, JR. & Co.