J.W. Hampton, Jr. & Co. March 18, 1908 Dr. Wm. J. Holland, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Penna. Dear Sir: We have your favor ofd the 15th inst in connection with the shipment of thirty-four (34) cases containing the replica of the skeleton of the great Diploducus, which Mr Carnegie has presented to the President of the French Republic, and note that the shipment is to forwarded to the Museum National d'Histoire, 57 rue Cuvier, Paris, France. Kindly note that we ahve communicated with the French Line here and they advise us that they have arranged for space for this shiupment on the S. S. "La Gascogne" booked to leave here April 2nd, this vessel having been substituted for the S. S. "La Savoie", this latter vessel having been withdrawn. We therefore request that you kindly forward the shipment to to NEw York consigned to J.W. Hampton, JR. & Co., and we believe it will be better for you to consisgn the shipment with free lighterage to export steamer at New York. It may be that you will have to pay a small charge extra for lighterage, but this will probably b e cheaper than if the goods were carted. Please advuse ys when the shipment leaves Pittsburgh, so that we can be on the lookout for it, and immediately upon its arrival here we will see that it is transferred too the export steamer without delay. We will also be careful to see that the cases are handled with care, so as to prevent possibility of breakage or damage. As soon as the shipment goes forward we will send you as requested statement of expenses, together with Bill of Lading covering the shipment, Thanking you for this business and awaiting your advice that the cases have gone forward, we remain