MARch 16, 1909 Professor Edmond Perrier, Museum d'histoire Naturelle, 57 Rue Cuvier, Paris, France My Highly Honored Colleague;- I have today made arrangements by which the thirty-four boxes containing the skeleton of the Diplodocus are to go forward by the Steamship "Savoie" of the Compagnie Generale TRansatlantique, which sails from New York CIty on April the 2nd. These things should, therefore, be at Havre not later than the tenth or twelfth of April, and they will be forwarded from Havre to you. Inquiries in reference to othe thirty-four boxes should be addressed to the agent of the line at Havre. I have not as yet a bill of lading from the S.S. Company, but as soon as onr is received it will be sent to you. Since I wrote you in my last letter, it has seemed best that I should go first to Berlin in order to instal the specimen intended to be set up there. Since writing to you, I am informed by Dr. A. Brauer that the base upon which the Diplodocus is to be installed will be ready April the 15th. My plan is, therefore, to sail from New York on APril the 7th, which will bring me to Berlin on April 14th, and we will proceed as rapidly as possible to install the specimen intended for the German Emperor, and when that is completed will come at once to Paris, With assurances of the hightest esteem and regard, I am Yours very truly, Director