Carnegie Museum March 6, 1908. Monsieur Edmond Perrier, My Dear Colleague;- I have just received your very kind lines of the 18th of February, and I am also in receipt this morning of a letter written by Monsieur Boule under date of the 24th of February. I am under very many obligations to you for giving me the instructions which you have conveyed to me in reference to the shipment and I am having the moxes marked and will make arrangements as soon as possible to have the thirty-six boxes forwarded to the Museum in Paris. I must inform you that I am in receipt this morning also of a letter fromt he Director of the Royal Museum in Berlin insisting strenuously upon my coming to Berlin at the end of April. He informs me that he will be compelled about the beginning of June to absent himself, and that their plans there made for the installation of the specimen intended for them have been based upon the expectation that I would be able to complete the installation not later than the end of May. It seems under the circumstances that it will be absolutely necessary for me to accept this situation, more especially as you nothing whatever in your sommunication to me as to the matter of the time. I am led therefore to decide, in the light of the information that I have, that it is my duty to repair to Berlin, leaving Pittsburgh about the middle of April. I shall reach Berlin in that event at the beginning of the last week of April, and we will push the work forward there as rapidly as possible. We