February 6, 1908. Professor Marcellin Boule, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Rue Cuvier, 57, Paris, France. My Dear Colleague;- I have sent a letter to Mons. Blavette, the architect of your Museum (a copy of which I herewith enclose), contining certain suggestions to him which are in my judgment important. The reduction of the length of the base intended to support the caudal vertebrĉ from 7.55 m. to 7.25 m. is authorized, and I find by experiment that we can so arrange the curvature of the tail as to permit this reduction in length. I must, however, insist that your architect be not allowed to reduce the width of the base intended to support the neck unless arrangements are made to attach this base by bolts to the floor. The small base which he shows in the plan he has submitted to me is entirely without the necessary stability to support the long neck. It is is important that the transverse diameter should be greater than the antero-posterior diameter of the base. This will prevent oscillation. It is of the utmost importance that the dimensions of the inner parts of the framework which support the rods of steel should be made exactly as I have drawn. Our ironwork has been prepared with a view to this internal arrangement, and any modification would throw the whole out of kelter. I have also written to Dr. Edmond Perrier requesting him as the Director to signify to me how these things are to be shipped. The contract for the work on the other side I think you had better make yourselves with Jeanselme, the contractor. I will be responsible for the payment of all bills and all freight, but I must rely upon you to attend to the work in the order of business, as was done at the British Museum. It is too far from Pittsburgh for me to look after the preliminary details and your splendid judgment may be relied upon to do everything as it ought to be done. With assurances of my most distinguished esteem and regard, I am, Yours very truly Director Carnegie Museum.