Carnegie Museum November 9, 1907 Monsieur M. Boule Monsier et Cher Collegue;- I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th of September, which has been found by me upon my return to the Museum after a short scientific journey which I took to the Western States in the region of the Rocky Montains. It will give me pleasure in every respect to comply with your wishes in the matter of the mountinf of the specimen, and I shall cause the caudal vertebrae of the Diplodocus which is intended to be presented to your Museum to be arranged in the manner which you suggest, reducint the length of the posterior base by three meters. As you will observe by the photographs which I am sending you, we have already effected a great modification in the mounting of the neck of the Diplodocus. I am sending you a photograph of the specimen which is intended for His Majesty of the Emperor of Germany, the provisional mouonting of which has just been completed. (The bases in this psohotograph, I may mention in passing, are simply covered with rought paper, a fact which makes itself apparent. They are unfinished and must be accepted as representing in any sense the final installation.) You will observe from this photograph that I have caused the head to be placed much higher than was done