May 7, 1907. Monsieur J. J. Jusserand, Ambassador of the Republic, etc. 1640 Rhode Island Ave. Washington, D.C. Your Excellency; I desire most heartily to thank you for your kind letter of the Fifth of June, which has just been received by me, in which you inform me that M. Fallieres, the President of the French Republic, has graciously consented to accept the gift which I am charged by Mr. Carnegie, as his personal representative, to offer to the French People. It has given me pleasure, by cable, to notify Mr. Carnegie of the kind acceptance of his gift by M. Fallieres. I note your instructions to place myself in immediate communication with Monsieur Perrier, the Director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, and I shall immediately write to M. Perrier, and take steps to carry out the wishes of President Fallieres and of Mr. Carnegie in the premises. With assurances of the most distinguished esteem and regards I am, Yours very sincerely, Director Carnegie Museum