Paris 12 dec. 1903 Mr. Carnegie Fifth Avenue, New-York City Dear Sir, We have been informed by the authorities of the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg that a duplicate cast is being prepared of DIPLODOCUS CARNEGIEI, besides that destined as a gift on your part to the British Museum, wwich [sic] they are willing to offer to some European Museum, in exchange for other fossils. We regret exceedingly that our supply of duplicate material is so small that it will be impossible to offer an equivalent in value to so large and expensive a cast. It is however scarcely necessary to point out that Paris is a site wich [sic] offers peculiar advantages from an educational standpoint for exhibiting to the people of all nations who frequent our Museum at the Jardin des Plantes, so impressive a relic of the bygone life of the globe. There is such a meagre representation of American fossils in continental museums that a complete skeleton in effigy of this remarkable Dinosaur, set up in Paris, would be all the more usefull and instructive. In behalf of the department of Palaeontology of wich [sic] I have the honor to be the Director, I beg to express the hope that you may take a personal interest in this matter, and assist us in acquiring a duplicata [sic] model of this superb and marvellous fossil monster. Very truly yours M. Boule