Mr. W.J. Holland, Director Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh, PA Dear Sir:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of yesterday, and I am acccordingly communicating its contents to the Main Office of the "La Veloce" in Genoa, owners of S/S "AMERICA", with the request to authorize free transportation of the shipment of the replica of the Diplodocus, which Mr. Andrew Carnegie has authorized you to present to His Majesty the King of Italy. As you notice by the schedule of sailings herein enclosed, the S/S "American" is expected to sail from New York on the 25th of August and not the 28th, as you suppose. Should said date of sailing not be suitable to you, would the 4th of September be, when a sailing will take place by the S/S Duca di GEnova from New York. If so, please inform me by return mail, and I will communicate at once with the Main Office of the "Navigazione Generale Italiana," her owners. Awaiting for you reply, I am, Very sincerely yours,