Douglas Stewart, Esq., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pa. Dear Sir: We have acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 14th. instant contents of which we carefully note. We think that it would be advisable for you simply to address the boxes, Imperial Museum, St. Petersburg, c/o. Beham & Boyesen, New York, and also to insert "Lighterage free in Harbour limits, New York". This is simply incase that through soemthing which we know nothing about, the Russian American Line are unable to carry the cases, in which case there would be no object in having them sent to the Bush Docks, necessitating another journey from there to the Pier on the Steamship Co., by which you desired to send them. You can forward them at any time now, as we fully expect a reply next week, and in any case you get 15 days free storage with the Rail road Co. on export shipments. The writer is looking forward to seeing the picture fo that samll animal, the Diplodocus, which you kindly promised to send him. Yours faithfully