men, who gave me the evidence of their friendship. In the company of Professor Roth I had the pleasure of making an excursion in a govenment vessel to the islands of the delta in Parana. Subsequently, under the same kind guidance, I made an excursion to Mar-del-Plata, and shortly before leaving for the north I went to Tasuman, the ancient capital of the province of that name, at the foothills of the Andes, not far from the Bolivian highlands. In this letter I shall speak of the impressions made upon me during these three interesting excursions away from the crowed cosmopolitan centers in which most of my time was passed. After all the truest impression of a land are derived not so much from contact with its urban life as by contact with the life of the open country, for in spite of the tendency which exists in all lands to gather into cities, the mass of the population must necessarily find thier homes beyond the confines of the city.