Messrs. Busk & Daniels General Agents, Lamport & Holt Lines, Room 301, Produce Exchange, New York City. Gentlemen;- In reply to your very kind lines of May the 21st I desire to say that the S.S. "Sallust", sailing on July the 1st would meet our requirements, and as you indicate a preference that we would ship on that boat we gladly accept your suggestion. I observe that you have not answered one or two questions which I asked in my previous letter as to the proper manner of addressing the goods here. Would the following be a correct consignment label "Cosigned, Busk & Daniels, Lamport & Holt Line, SS. "Sallust", Pier 8, Brooklyn." ? Hoping that I am not troubling you by asking for this information, I am, kindest regards, Yours very truly, Director Carnegie Museum