Senor Dr. Ignacio Garcia Tellez, Rector, Universidad Nacional de Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Mexico My dear Mr. Rector: I avail myself of the first opportunity since my return to Pittsburgh to inform you of my safe arrival at my home and to renew my most respectful and grateful acknowledgement of all the many kindnesses and honors which I received at your hands during my brief stay in your beautiful country. Mexico will always hold a place of abiding interest and regard in my memory, and among the valued friends, which I formed during my brief stay in your country I shall always accord the very highest honor to yourself. The distinction conferred upon me as Professor Extraordinario de Biologia in the University. I regard as one of the highest honors of my life. Assuring you of my desire in every possible way, to recognize the multitude of kindnesses I received from you and your associates, I am as ever, Cordially and affectionately yours,