Your Excellency: Everything to certain correspondence that lies befoe me, which relates to the subject fo providing for Mexico a replica of the Diplodocus carnegie, such as during his lifetime was presented by Mr. Carnegie to the British Museum, the national museums of France, Germany, Austria, Russia, Spain and other contries. I desire to say I am happy to inform you that I have finally through the kindness of Mrs. Andrew Carnegie and my associates who are charged with the work of promoting such objects as were interesting to Mr. Carnegie during this lifetime, secured the appropriation of a sum of money which will enable me to make a replica of this celebrated specimen and to forward the same to the City of Mexico, and there install it as a gift to the Mexican people form Mrs. Carnegie. Mrs. Carnegie, however, very modestly feels that she hardly wishes her name to be associated with the gift as the donor, as she shrinks from all publicity. I am sure it will be a matter of gratification to you to know that I am now in position to go ahead and execute the wish that has been expressed through yourself to me indirectly by others as well as directly by yourself for the presentation of this gift to our sister Republic. I am prepared to take immediate step to go forward with the work by making the restoration asked for, but as preliminary thereto it becomes necessary for me to inform you that I ought to have exact information as to where the specimen is to be installed. To make its proper display a considerable space is