required. The specimen is eighty-four feet in length. It has been mounted on a handsomely finished bases, for the construction of which the City of Mexico arrangements should be made in advance. I am prepared to supply plue prints giving all the details as to construction. While we are making the replica here and preparing the necessary metal frame work upon which to mount it the work of building the base should be taken up in the City of Mexico by proper parties. Will you not, therefore, inform me first of all in which of your museums or galleries the specimen is intended to be placed; secondly, will you inform me what amount of space is available in the gallery. In the British Museum there was space enough to mout the specimen as the original is mounted here in the Carnegie Museum. At the Jardin des Plantes because of the limits fo space we were compelled to make a somewhat different mounting, bending the tail forward so that not as much length was taken up. This involved the boradening of the posterior part of the base, and necessitated a different form of base than that which was used in the British Museum. The same thing happened in Vienna. Would you place me in correspondence with the Director of the institution in which it is inteded to place the specimen so that I may carry on correspondence with him as to the various details that are necessary to be condisered as we proceed with our work here. I must inform you that it will take some considerable time a good many moths, to complete the work here. Would it be possible for us to obtain through your government free transportation for the material over the railway lines of the Mexican Republic, or possibley free transportation direct by some line of steamers plying form New York to Mexico. Free transportation of the boxes containing the specimens